Secure printing and scanning
From the technical viewpoint modern MFPs are actually computers with a small screen, small keyboard, large printing mechanism and an operating system normally based on a Linux core.
Although on the file level there are authorisation concepts available for security purposes, regulating access to documents, as soon as the printing is started by a “click of the mouse”, this security is lost since, in most cases, the printout is then deposited in the printer output tray. Whilst this does not normally pose any problems it can create an awkward situation when it comes to confidential or sensitive documents. Unfortunately, local printers only solve this problem to a limited extent and may even create new problems (print costs, manageability etc.).
The alternative
Our Secure Printing concept enables users to authenticate themselves on the MFP within seconds so they the collection of their print orders is monitored and secure. Making the problem of documents left lying around in the output tray a thing of the past.
In addition, the system deletes documents which have not been collected after a definable period. This saves up to 15% on the printing costs …
After successfully logging on the user can execute a controlled “Send to home drive” or “Send to e-mail”. Making anonymous e-mails or incorrect sender data a thing of the past.
Result: Greater security, savings in time and lower printing costs!
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